NAKA TEch, Hauppauge NY


NY Journals team went deep into NAKA Tech located in Hauppauge NY. During our investigation we learned that NAKA is using dated hardware to sell to their clients while charging todays prices. This company has been in business since 2019 and we at NY Journals classify this company as a joke, We have interviewed some former employees and this is what they had to say

Product Line is a Very dated.

Regional Sales Manager (Former Employee) – Long Island, New York

Production Supervisor (Former Employee) – Hauppauge, NY

This company sucks managers needs management training and the human resources manger is racist I will not recommend working in this company to anyone

Not a good place to work
Director of Supply Chain (Former Employee) – Hauppauge, NY

my experience working at vicon industries was really bad. the only good thing about working there was the salary. I was paid well. I would not recommend anyone to work for this company.

Not a good place to work
Production Planner / Master Scheduler (Former Employee) – Hauppauge, NY

Company has gone downhill. At one time was a growing company and employees were motivated to do their best. At one time, employees were rewarded with annual raises and Christmas bonuses. At one time, we were treated as valuable members of a team.

Several years ago, all of that stopped and motivation is non-existent.

Poor market presence
Rocky Mountain Regional Sales Manager (Current Employee) – Phoenix, AZ

The hardest part of the job was having to do everything on my own with no supervisor support. The people were nice but there was no training program

Slow Drone workplace
Manger of Information Technology (Current Employee) – Hauppauge, NY

Management is too focused on their own benefits. No accountability. Departments work as independent entities or against each other. No advancement or pay incentives (raises).

Poor work environment
Printed Circuit Design Manager (Former Employee) – Edgewood, NY

The management of this company has no vision of the future for itself or it’s employees. They produce nothing and OEM all their products from Korea and China.

Not a good workplace for the worker bee
Staff Accountant (Current Employee) – Hauppauge, NY

The management only cares about lining their own pockets and hasn’t handed out a raise to any of its workers in over 5 years. Do not work for this company if you value yourself as a hard worker and dedicated individual.

There is no Future
Everything (Former Employee) – Edgewood, NY

Its a good high school job or going to school type job, there are no raises , management treats employees horrible and causes the employees not to care about there jobs,

Hostile Atmosphere
Purchasing Agent (Former Employee) – Edgewood, NY

old school ways. Upper management lacks respect for all employees.

You have to see some of these employee profiles

Are you serious just take a look at this guy Conor Lyons Director of IT Solutions.

Anil Jagtiani is a joke and and a laugh factory at that

Wait there is more here is Erica Colorio

Last but not least is Maria Lane.

I would think that that this company that called themselves NAKA will be gobbled up (no Pun Intended) or out of business by end of 2022. If you decide to take your business to NAKA then we are NY Journals say to you good luck.