5 Basic Things You Need to Know About Network Security


Network security is a necessity for both home and office. There are several steps you can take to protect your network, systems and connections in order to avoid hacking, connection stealing and damage to your computers and documents. These 5 basic things that you need to know about network security can keep your network safe and secure.

Router Security

Your router can be configured to mask your various IP addresses, turn off broadcasting your wireless signal, set up wireless security passwords and networks and even firewall your network. Your router is essentially the key to your network security and when properly set up will protect all of your systems from damage and infiltration. This is the outer level of protection and can be considered the front door to your network.

Firewall Security

Each computer on your network should be protected by firewall security. A firewall can block out intruders, hide your documents and files and even catch and destroy viruses and spyware. Firewalls can be a hassle to computer users but are imperative for protecting the system and there are several unobtrusive firewall security programs that will run in the background and only call attention when there is a problem.

Cyber Security

There are several ways to maintain cyber security for your network. The first being firewalls and second generation firewalls for double protection. The next option is a virus and spyware program that will sweep your system and all files and downloads to protect from Trojans and other malware. You should also use your wits to make sure that you protect sensitive personal information from being distributed on the Internet and change passwords regularly to make sure that your network is impenetrable.

Unsecure Network Expenses

Your network is the hub of all computer activity and keeping it safe and sound is important for not only your information, work, and files but also for your wallet. Hackers and malware can cause serious damage to your computers and cost you repair fees and even cause you to have to replace systems. Even having a simple virus removed can cause a great deal of money when you have to take your computer to a service shop. There may be some costs incurred to make your network secure but it’s much less than the cost and damage if you get hacked or infected on a network level.

Professional Network Security

Network security is nothing to take lightly. There are so many levels of protection you can enable that there is no reason for your network to ever be vulnerable. If you are “technically ignorant” or generally have no clue as to how to go about setting up a secure network, contact a professional who can help you get your network security set up for your home or office. Don’t take the chance of your wireless signal being stolen by random strangers who can use that “in” to get into your computers and gather information or corrupt your systems.

Source by Alexs Smith