Computer Security Tips – How Can You Choose the Right Protection for Your Home PC or Business?


Should you invest in a comprehensive computer security program or do free antivirus and anti-malware tools provide enough protection? A lot of experts these days really recommend all-inclusive protection, as the free tools can only protect you so much. Plus, they usually come with annoying ads and slow the system down.

The good news is that most Pro security suites are available as a free trial, so you can try them out before deciding whether or not it would be worth it to make the purchase.

If you’re a business user, you’ll definitely need more than a free antivirus product. You’ll need good firewall protection, ransomware protection, server security, endpoint protection, internet gateway protection, data encryption, and so forth. The ideal security solution will offer management and troubleshooting assistance whenever your company needs it.

For home users, the best solution is somewhere in the middle. Free antivirus programs usually aren’t enough and business-level security is too much. You’ll need protection for social media, email and web threats. A good computer security solution should include a module that will protect you from websites with malicious content. It’s always better to deal with viruses and malware in the browser than to have to eliminate it when it reaches the computer.

If you do most or all of your finances online and love to shop at online stores, financial protection is an essential feature of a computer security program. Keep your money, bank details, address, and other private information safe and protected at all times, so that you can make financial transactions with multiple layers of protection.

User-Friendliness as Part of Computer Security Programs

Another important consideration is user-friendliness. Users should be able to manage their security from anywhere through their account. All of the configuration options should be presented in a straightforward manner. There should be no problems navigating through the interface. Computer security will be a waste of money if you can’t even figure out how to use it. If there is any setting you do not understand, there should be presentation available that will explain what it’s for and how it can be used.

While many users are beginners and trust in the default settings, there are some who want complete control of the configuration. An ideal program will offer both ease-of-use for less experienced users and the ability to control the configurations with more advanced users.

Read computer security product reviews by other users AND independent lab testing companies to get an idea of how both the average user and experts view it. One company in particular that gets a lot of high ratings by organizations like AV-Comparatives and AV-TESTS is Kaspersky. The company offers total security solutions and affordable antivirus subscriptions for home users and businesses of all sizes.

Use Kaspersky Lab coupons on the product you think will be best suited for your needs, whether you have business security requirements or simply need extra layers of protection for your home PC. Since there are so many positive Kaspersky reviews, you cannot go wrong with its computer security discount offers.

Source by George Botwin