Easiest Ways to Beat Ransomware


Ransomware threats are not new to the online community today. Unlike early days when ransomware attacked users once in a while, now it is bombarding users with various versions and updates almost every day. This is important to understand that ransomware threats are the real threat of today’s time. Attackers are causing real damage to the users with their malicious codes and practices. Thus in present situation users are also practicing some smart tactics to prevent ransomware threats. Let’s discuss few steps to avert ransomware attacks.

Take preventive measures: As a foremost step take preventive measures to stop ransomware attacking you. These steps can help you safeguard your system at first place. These preventive measures include below-mentioned steps:

Install a reputable security suite: Most of the ransomware attacks happen through malicious links in emails and through infected websites. The anti-malware program can scan and detect such spam emails and malicious websites to stop them at the initial stage. Use software firewall protection along with a good anti-malware program to make the second line of defense against any virus attack. This way you can secure your system without getting into trouble.

Change browsing behavior: This is the known fact that most virus attacks happen via malicious links and infected websites. Thus by changing browsing behavior can save your system from any unseen trouble. Do not ever open links or emails which have an unknown source as a sender. Do not open any lucrative ad or another link to prevent your system from possible ransomware attack.

Set system restore point: This is an effective step to keep your system safe against any possible data loss due to ransomware attack. System restore point virtually takes the backup of all your important files so that you can access that data in future eventualities.

Backup data: Take this preventive measure to avert any data loss in case of ransomware attack. Take data backup at regular intervals. Take this backup on external drives or on cloud servers so that you can access and restore this data anytime anywhere you want.

Keep your system updated: Many ransomware attackers target those systems which are not updated as these old systems remain prone to virus attacks. This is important to know that every update comes with certain bug fix and security updates against such malware attacks. Thus it becomes important to keep your system up to date with latest OS updates. Another important step to follow is to avert downloading pirated software as they can contain malicious content. Always verify the source of the software you are downloading. As most of the operating software developers require to register and digitally sign all their software. If your OS warns you about the unsigned program than it is better to cancel such installation.

Beat ransomware: After practicing all preventive measures in case your system gets affected with ransomware threat apply below mentioned steps to beat ransomware.

Disconnect from the network immediately: Once ransomware or any other malware attacks your system it further tries to connect to its Command & Control servers for further instruction. To avoid this situation, disconnect your system from the network once you get to know about the infection. This way you can break the link between the infected system and the ransomware servers. This way you can save other machines from getting infected too. Generally, ransomware takes a time to infect and encrypt all your files thus you can save your certain data from getting infected.

Ask the experts: Some evident symptoms of ransomware attack include very slow system speed, unwanted messages pop up, system hang and others. When you see such symptoms don’t wait to ask for experts help to prevent further damage to your system. You can do your own research as well to keep your system safe and secure.

When we know the damage ransomware attacks can cause it becomes important to take certain measures to prevent such attacks. In fact, practicing preventive measures proves better option when it comes to ransomware attacks. There are very few methods available to decrypt files encrypted by ransomware attacks.

Source by Ankit Pareek