October Is National Cyber Security Awareness Month


The day-to-day activities of the modern world is largely influenced by the internet and not a single day can pass without computers and the internet. As the World Wide Web opens up new space for communication and connectivity, it becomes the responsibility of the internet users to ensure cyber security. Cyber crimes are increasingly becoming common and unless you take preventive measures, you can easily fall prey to these cyber crimes. The month of October is proclaimed as national cyber security awareness month and experts urge internet users to realize the importance of cyber security.

The internet is a collection of computers and thus, everyone participating is responsible for enhancing security on the internet. Hackers are always interested in gaining unauthorized access to computers on the internet and if your computer is not protected, then you can’t stop hackers from installing malicious programs remotely. You can prevent these attacks by installing appropriate security software, but the need for staying anonymous on the internet is growing rapidly. When technically smart people gain access to your IP address and other personally identifiable information, they can manipulate the information in any way they want, making you a victim of cyber crime that you have never even heard of.

Experts urge internet users to stop sharing their personal and sensitive information. Despite the care you take to avoid giving away your personal information on social media websites and other websites, the cyber safety laws won’t protect your privacy. The internet service providers always collect personally identifiable information and this information can be shared with third parties without notifying you. In the month of October, in which the importance of cyber security is emphasized, you should take measures to spread awareness about staying anonymous on the internet to protect privacy.

In order to connect to internet, you have to compromise security if you connect directly to your ISP. The VPN service providers are ready to help you to protect your privacy and safety while connected to internet. Rather than using unsecure ISP connection, you will be using secure and fast VPN network server connection to share personal information. The VPN servers will strip network data from all personal information and then let you connect to your ISPs as usual. From the ISPs point of view, you will be available as just another internet user, but your computer IP address and other personal information will remain masked.

With VPN service, you can truly understand the need for declaring a whole month as cyber security awareness month. When you can prevent third parties from knowing your personal information, you can ensure safety and security. The VPN service providers won’t store any logs and potentially, your identifiable information is not known to anyone else. This will ensure maximum privacy and you can stay worry free connected to internet as long as you know that you can’t be traced back. VPN service is fast, safe and secure and no one can pose any restrictions on you about internet usage and you will get much more than what you have paid for.

Source by Sanjana Antony